Who we are

We work against poverty and realize projects together with disadvantaged people that lead to an improvement of their life situation.

Board of PartnerAid Switzerland

Christian Hartmann-Fässler

The master farmer, born and raised in Toggenburg, completed a second training as a business software engineer after a back injury. Together with his wife, he worked for five years for a Swiss NGO in Bhutan. The main focus was to improve the education of the local population, teacher training and the establishment and expansion of agricultural training. Since his return to Switzerland in 2008, he has been working again as a business software engineer and for several years as a volunteer board member for PartnerAid Switzerland. He lives with his family in Volketswil.

Christian Hartmann-Fässler


"I believe that individualized development projects, which respond to the needs of individuals or small groups, serve those in need better in the long term and ultimately provide a better livelihood for all."

Anita Ruinelli

Born and raised in the Zurich Oberland, she completed a commercial apprenticeship in a notary's office and further training as an accounting clerk. She lived for three years in Tunisia, where she worked in the tourism sector, and for 15 months in southern Iraq as a financial officer for an international aid organisation. Since her return to Switzerland in 2012, she has been working part-time for PartnerAid Switzerland. She is currently a housewife and mother of four children.

Anita Ruinelli

Member of the Board, Secretariat and Newsletter

"It is easy to overlook the plight of other people. It is difficult to help in a really constructive way. It takes people who, among other things, have great intercultural understanding and the strength to confront grievances and shortcomings.”

Simon Mumenthaler

Growing up in Oberaargau, he got involved in the field of duties related to the website and newsletter through the then PAI Managing Director in 2013 while still in his apprenticeship as an IT specialist. Since then, he has been supporting PAI with his know-how. He is married and lives with his wife in Wynau. In spring 2023, he decided to get involved in PAI more generally as part of the board. He currently works as a software engineer for an SME and develops custom solutions.

Portrait Simon Mumenthaler

Simon Mumenthaler

Member of the board

"It is inspiring to see how the projects have a positive impact on the lives of disadvantaged people and how PartnerAid is bringing about real change through collaboration and partnering."

Christof Kräuchi

After his training as a railway operations dispatcher, he lived as a tour operator with his family for several years in the Berber hinterland of North Africa. There they shared life and work with a hospitable population. The gentle small group tourism led to mutual acquaintance and amazement. Back in Switzerland, he is involved as a consultant and leader of intercultural projects and on the board of PartnerAid Switzerland.

Christof Kräuchi

Member of the Board

"I am fascinated by our motto ‘Partnering for Change’. This includes appreciation of the respective culture and strengths of local communities."

Markus Schranz

Raised in the Bernese Oberland and always curious to know what comes after the next bend or the next mountain, he left the mountain village at the age of 20. He worked as a mechanic and administrative manager for an NGO in the South Pacific for seven years. After his return, he completed further training in business administration. Since 2008, he has been responsible for the finances at PartnerAid Switzerland and is in close contact with the project leaders. He is married, has two adult sons and lives in Münsingen. He works for a telecom company and in his free time he enjoys sports.

Markus Schranz

Member of the Board and Finances

"PartnerAid convinced me by its direct, uncomplicated way in which help is provided on the ground. I experienced this first-hand during my work for PAI in Pakistan after the 2005 earthquake.”

Management Staff of PartnerAid Switzerland

Daniel Scheidegger

He is married and the father of three grown-up children. The trained carpenter and wood technician lives in the Upper Aargau region of Bern and now works as a vocational school teacher. He involvement in a house construction project in the Philippines sparked his interest in supporting people in emergency situations at a young age. He has been involved with PartnerAid since 2020.

Daniel Scheidegger

Co-Managing Director, Office

"PartnerAid's projects enable disadvantaged people to live in dignity and open up new perspectives for them. This is what I'm committed to."

Jürg Schmid

He grew up on a farm in the Swiss Bernese Mittelland and, after completing a commercial apprenticeship, spent a year in West Africa, where he gained his first experience in project work. From 2014 to 2022, he lived with his family in North Africa in a town on the edge of the Sahara. There he was a co-owner and managing director of a language learning centre with 250 students per year.

On his return to Switzerland, Jürg and his wife took over the management of an institution for mentally handicapped people.

Jürg Schmid

Co-Managing Director, Program Coordination

"From my own experience in local projects, I know how important the people in the background are. This is where PartnerAid makes a valuable contribution."

Martin Gurtner-Duperrex

The trained secondary teacher grew up in the Bernese Oberland. He and his wife worked as project and team leaders for 15 years in Chad, Sudan, Yemen and the Comoros Islands, mainly in adult education programmes and as trainers for PartnerAid Switzerland. Since his return to Switzerland in 2017, he has worked for PartnerAid Switzerland as a Programme Coordinator and in public relations. He has been serving part-time as Managing Director from 2020 to 2024.

Martin Gurtner-Duperrex

Project consulting

"I am convinced that small, manageable development projects and personal relationships on the ground serve the people in need better in the long term than large-scale projects.”

Jakob Fehr

Born and raised in the Zurich Weinland, he graduated from the St. Gallen School of Administration. He then completed an apprenticeship as a company secretary at the main post office in Zurich. After a few years of professional experience, he moved to Bern, where he prepared for a career in the consular service of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA). For more than 30 years, he represented our country's interests at various Swiss embassies and consulates around the world. After his retirement, he joined PartnerAid in 2024 as a volunteer.

Jakob Fehr

Freelance staff member

"PartnerAid's projects enable us to help those in need and practice charity.”

Get In Touch

We are happy to be available for you at any time.

PartnerAid Switzerland
Wald 54A
CH-4938 Rohrbachgraben