Zanzibar – Workwear for apprentices

Suitable workwear for apprentices and their instructors

The projects in Zanzibar benefit from the cooperation and the many years of experience of the locally registered NGO, Pamoja Zanzibar.

As a constituent state within Tanzania, Zanzibar has its own government, parliament and president. The average annual income is $250. More than half of the population lives below the poverty line. It is estimated that about 12 % of the children suffer from acute malnutrition.

Often there is only enough for one meal a day ...

The average income in Zanzibar is less than 250 USD a year, which is less than 70 dollar cents a day. Many families can often only afford one meal a day ... Unfortunately, work clothes for their children in training are often just wishful thinking! And so many learners of our local partner, the education NGO Pamoja Zanzibar, start their education with the clothes they have – whether they are suitable or not!

Uniform clothing for all learners and their trainers

Pamoja Zanzibar effectively supports families in their fight against poverty and dependency by training young women in a dual vocational training to become tailors.

We would like to help and enable Pamoja Zanzibar to provide the learners and their trainers with suitable and uniform work clothes. This will directly relieve the families financially.

Concrete goals

All tailoring apprentices will receive two sets of uniform work clothes (two skirts, two T-shirts) at the beginning of each of the first and second apprenticeship years.

The nice thing is that the clothes are made in the company’s own sewing school and thus very inexpensively!

Christof Kräuchi

Member of the Board

"I am fascinated by our motto ‘Partnering for Change’. This includes appreciation of the respective culture and strengths of local communities."