Partnering for Change

The vision of PartnerAid is a world in which every human being has access to resources that enable him/her to live without poverty.

Comoros - The joy of literacy

Athibati Youssouf never went to school. All her life, the mother of nine children felt she was worthless. Thanks to the Swiss organisation PartnerAid International, the 38-year-old is learning to read and write and discovering a new sense of value. A report by Mitja Rietbrock, SRF.

Komoren - Alphabetisierung: project information

Your donation in good hands.

PartnerAid holds the Zewo quality label.
This certification ensures that your donation reaches the right place and is used reliably.

Who We Are

The association PartnerAid Switzerland was founded in 1988 and is an independent aid organisation for international development cooperation and emergency aid.

Who We Are: Learn more

What We Do

In partnership with communities, villages and neighbourhoods, PartnerAid aims to combat poverty in all its forms. We work in the areas of education, professional training, health, nutrition, environment and small business promotion as well as emergency aid.

What We Do: Learn More

Get In Touch

We are happy to be available for you at any time.

PAI – Partner Aid International
Wald 54A
CH-4938 Rohrbachgraben